The governing of the Association is vested in the following:
- ZC
- HU
The supreme authority of the Association is vested in the National Delegates Conference it is composed of the following:
1) The principal national Officers (Central Executive Council).
2) House Unit/Branch Chairmen and Secretaries; and
3) House Unit Delegates (1- delegate to every 20 members)
4) NJIC committee members
The Association is administered in-between National Delegates Conference by the National Executive Council in accordance with the constitution.
The National Executive Council consists of all Principal National Officers that is,
The National Executive Council shall consist of all Principal
National Officers
that is,
1. The National President
2. Deputy National President
3. The General Secretary
4. All Zonal Vice Presidents
5. lnternal Auditor
6. National Treasurer
7. National Financial Secretary
8. 3 Trustees
9. 1 Ex-officio
10. Chairmen and Secretaries of House Units
11, The National Youth Leader
12. The National Women Coordinator
13. The appointed National Joint Industrial Council Members.
The Central Executive Committee meet in- between the National Executive Council meetings, administer the general conduct of the business of the Association in accordance with the Constitution and is accountable to the National Executive Council. It is composed of all elected Principal National Officers and the General Secretary. The Central Executive Committee supervises the running of the Association and adhere strictly to the directive of National Executive Council.
The Zonal council is made up of the Zonal Vice president and the Zonal executives with the responsibility of administering the activities of the Association at the Zonal level
The House Unit or Branch means in-house within each of the companies in the industry covered by this Association. It is the business of the House unit/Branch to see to the proper organization of the Association at the grassroots, to represent the members inappropriate cases, and to follow directives of high organs of the Association in the conduct of its affairs for the benefit of the Association The affairs of the House Unit/Branch is conducted at the meetings by the House Unit executive committee presided over the chairman of the House Unit/Branch.